Regular Competitions each week

Timesheets will be available in the Bunker on Thursdays and Saturdays to register yourself in the time slots available. Playing dates are shown on our website calendar.
Every Saturday: 18 Hole Competition, GA Handicap required
Every Thursday: Sporters – everyone welcome, 9 or 13 Hole Stableford (GA Handicap NOT required).
Every Thursday: Women’s18 Hole Competition – GA Handicap required
To register a time slot for Thursday Sporters and Saturday Competitions:
Email: Jackie at timesheets@cardwellgolfclub.com.au or,
Text: 0414 359 314 or,
To register for Thursday Women:
Email: Jackie at timesheets@cardwellgolfclub.com.au or,
Text or ring 0414 359 314 or,
Any late changes on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, please let Sue know to enable the organisation of the player groups for the competition.
To Book/Hire Buggies, phone 0428 520 873 between 8am and 5pm