
Regular Competitions each week

Cardwell Golf Club - Timesheets

Timesheets will be available in the Bunker on Thursdays and Saturdays to register yourself in the time slots available. Playing dates are shown on our website calendar.

Every Saturday: 18 Hole Competition, GA Handicap required
​Every Thursday: Sporters – everyone welcome, 9 or 13 Hole Stableford (GA Handicap NOT required).
Every Thursday: Women’s18 Hole Competition –  GA Handicap required

To register a time slot for Thursday Sporters and Saturday Competitions:

Email:  Jackie at timesheets@cardwellgolfclub.com.au or,

Text: 0414 359 314 or,

To register for Thursday Women:

Email:  Jackie at timesheets@cardwellgolfclub.com.au or,

Text or ring 0414 359 314 or,

Any late changes on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, please let Sue know to enable the organisation of the player groups for the competition.

To Book/Hire Buggies, phone 0428 520 873 ​between 8am and 5pm

​This Week’s Timesheets